von Susannah | Donnerstag, Dezember 19, 2019 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
After understanding the basics of the simplest English consonants, there are a few more things that determine how a speaker can sound more like a native speaker or at least comprehend some of the strange sounds native speakers make, especially when speaking quickly or...
von Susannah | Montag, November 25, 2019 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
Practice pronouncing that tricky English ‚th‘ with these exercises. Do you know when to pronounce ‚th‘ with or without voicing? Try this exercise. In the following, you will hear a number of words and phrases including both th and s. These are...
von Susannah | Montag, November 25, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Which consonants cause you the most trouble in speaking English? What sounds do you think particularly challenge other speakers of English as a foreign language? While many speakers have issues with the liquids ‚r‘ and ‚l‘, most Europeans...
von Susannah | Freitag, August 2, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Try pronouncing p, b, l and m . What do you notice? These are consonants (though here still represented by letters), quite different from vowels in many ways. One way is that in most cases it is difficult to get an idea of what they sound like in isolation, as we...
von Susannah | Dienstag, Mai 21, 2019 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
Sometimes hearing and producing the different front vowels /e/ and /æ/ is quite difficult. Here are some words and sentences for practicing this. Just listen and repeat. Pause, rewind and repeat as many times as necessary. Individual words grouped by prominent...