Super, ihr habt den Hinweis zur Öffnung des Ausgangs gefunden:

██║   ██║
██║   ██║

Dies ist der Hinweis damit ihr das Lösungswort-Anagram, also die drei Blöcke, übersetzen und korrekt anordnen könnt! Googelt einfach den folgenden Begriff: "l337 sp34k", um zu verstehen was die  Textzeichen bedeuten. Wenn ihr die Blöcke aus den drei Kompetenz-Checks richtig angeordnet habt, habt ihr das Lösungswort für den Ausgang aus dem Escape-Room! Ihr braucht das Lösungswort nicht zu übersetzen sondern sollte es in der l337sp34k Variante eingeben.

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 | |___) |__) | |_  \__ \ |_) |__) |  | | |   < 
 |_|____/____/ \__| |___/ .__/____/   |_| |_|\_\
                        | |                     

Explorations in English Language Learning

Idiom of the Week: Baseball Idioms

Idiom of the Week: Baseball Idioms

Idiom of the Week: Baseball Idioms

This week we’ll look into four idioms which share a common origin: baseball. These are most prominently used in American English, although they have spread to other varieties of English mostly through cultural osmosis. The prominence of these idioms in American...
culture and Cuisine – Gumbo

culture and Cuisine – Gumbo

With this weekly post we want to introduce you into the culinary range of the English speaking world. Each week we present you an iconic dish and give you information around its origin, preparation and eating habits. Our first recipe comes from Lousiana, one of the...
Review: Hidden Figures (2016)

Review: Hidden Figures (2016)

Picture source: 20th Century Fox. Three women and a car that has broken down, alone on a country road somewhere in Virginia. From afar, a police car approaches. However, the three women are not relieved, but, on the contrary, very nervous. Because we are in 1961, the...

Elaine Thomas on „Black Lives Matter“

Elaine Thomas is not only an accomplished singer, storyteller, and actress from Washington DC but also a professional English coach in Hamburg. Moreover, she gives courses on highly relevant topics that are related to the US and African American history. We...
How is Thanksgiving celebrated?

How is Thanksgiving celebrated?

Besides Christmas, Thanksgiving is the most important holiday in the US. It is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Families and friends come together and share a lavish feast. However, it is not a uniquely US-American holiday, in Canada, it is...