von Ioana Bianca Chiotoroiu | Montag, Juli 27, 2020 | Get informed
The SLM libraries are reopening their gates on 27 July 2020! After a long break during the lockdown caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic, the SLM libraries in the Überseering 35 facility will reopen their reading rooms under certain conditions. Students and other...
von Ioana Bianca Chiotoroiu | Donnerstag, Juli 23, 2020 | Get informed
Afraid of your English getting rusty? No need to worry! While there are certainly more obstacles around at the moment with interaction reduced to a minimum due to social distancing, we hope to provide you with some ideas & resources to stay motivated.Here is what...
von Camila Otálora | Mittwoch, Juli 22, 2020 | Get informed
Have you ever been in a discussion with someone who constantly frustrates the point you are trying to make by unfairly changing the rules of the argument to fit their side of the discussion? That action is called moving the goalposts, and it is this week’s idiom. If...
von Merve Yilmaz | Montag, Juli 20, 2020 | Get informed
By Maya Angelou A free bird leapson the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current endsand dips his wingin the orange sun raysand dares to claim the sky. But a bird that stalksdown his narrow cagecan seldom see throughhis...
von Merve Yilmaz | Mittwoch, Juli 15, 2020 | Get informed
Trying out different communication tools, especially during the current situation of the digital semester, is key in order to stay connected to the English language or any other foreign language that you might be studying or just using in the course of your studies....
von Thom | Montag, Juli 13, 2020 | Get informed
Sonnet 14. #ASonnetADay pic.twitter.com/GwWs0BYnAu — Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) April 2, 2020 Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck,And yet methinks I have astronomy;But not to tell of good or evil luck,Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons‘ quality;...