von Susannah | Montag, Januar 13, 2020 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
Along with voice, aspiration is one of the most obvious features of English consonants. You can learn more about consonant aspiration and how it affects the sounds around it in the presentation post. Here are a few exercises to see what you already know or have...
von Susannah | Donnerstag, Dezember 19, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
The consonants of English vary in their complexity and in their distinguishing pronunciation features. After understanding the basics of the simplest English consonants, there are a few more things that determine how a speaker can sound more like a native speaker or...
von Susannah | Donnerstag, Dezember 19, 2019 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
After understanding the basics of the simplest English consonants, there are a few more things that determine how a speaker can sound more like a native speaker or at least comprehend some of the strange sounds native speakers make, especially when speaking quickly or...
von Susannah | Freitag, August 2, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Try pronouncing p, b, l and m . What do you notice? These are consonants (though here still represented by letters), quite different from vowels in many ways. One way is that in most cases it is difficult to get an idea of what they sound like in isolation, as we...