von Öykü Coskun | Dienstag, November 20, 2018 | Get informed
Animal Farm is one of the classics of political literature. Originally labeled as a fairy story by George Orwell, this allegorical novella is a critical comment on failed revolutions, blind trust, and personality cults. First published after the end of World War II...
von Nadja Wostiera | Dienstag, September 18, 2018 | Learn, Learning strategies
Audiobooks can be very helpful if you intend to improve your language skills. With this article we want to present you Lit2Go – a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. The project is lead by the Educational College as part of the...
von Nadja Wostiera | Montag, September 17, 2018 | Practice
In another article we have already presented the online platform Lit2Go where you can find a great variety of literature from many genres as audio files as well as PDF. With this exercise we want to give you an idea how to use audiobooks and audio recordings...