Super, ihr habt den Hinweis zur Öffnung des Ausgangs gefunden:

██║   ██║
██║   ██║

Dies ist der Hinweis damit ihr das Lösungswort-Anagram, also die drei Blöcke, übersetzen und korrekt anordnen könnt! Googelt einfach den folgenden Begriff: "l337 sp34k", um zu verstehen was die  Textzeichen bedeuten. Wenn ihr die Blöcke aus den drei Kompetenz-Checks richtig angeordnet habt, habt ihr das Lösungswort für den Ausgang aus dem Escape-Room! Ihr braucht das Lösungswort nicht zu übersetzen sondern sollte es in der l337sp34k Variante eingeben.

  _ ____ ____  _              ____  _  _   _   
 | |___ \___ \| |            |___ \| || | | |   
 | | __) |__) | |_   ___ _ __  __) | || |_| | __
 | ||__ <|__ <| __| / __| '_ \|__ <|__   _| |/ /
 | |___) |__) | |_  \__ \ |_) |__) |  | | |   < 
 |_|____/____/ \__| |___/ .__/____/   |_| |_|\_\
                        | |                     

Explorations in English Language Learning

Vowels 3 – r-colored vowels – definition and examples and explications

Vowels 3 – r-colored vowels – definition and examples and explications

Connected Speech: Elision

Of all the features of English pronunciation, connected speech, or the flow between words, is the most subtle and one of the least well described. Elision is a specific part of connected speech, the one which is responsible for all the sounds dropped and most of the...
Vowels 3 – r-colored vowels – definition and examples and explications

Pronouncing Vowels 2: back vowels

Vowels are less easily distinguished than consonants because there are no distinct boundaries between them as there are for consonants, and so they are usually described according to how they sound in relation to one another. Unfortunately, any phoneme can still vary...