von Thom | Dienstag, September 15, 2020 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Another area of pronunciation in which varieties of English can be distinguished is in the phoneme /r/. This is not only true between nations like Great Britain and the U.S., but also within them. Within the United Kingdom the pronunciation of /r/, or rather, how it...
von Thom | Dienstag, September 15, 2020 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Before you tackle this lesson, take some time to do a bit of research. See what you can find out about varieties of English spoken in North America. This needn’t be a vast amount of in-depth research, just spend about 20-30 minutes learning about what...
von Thom | Montag, April 6, 2020 | Get informed
I previously mentioned how pen-and-paper role-playing games can boost your creativity. While this basic premise has not changed, social distancing changes the way we live our lives right now; so sitting around a table and rolling dice is out of the question. However,...
von Susannah | Mittwoch, Dezember 18, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Vowels are less easily distinguished than consonants because there are no distinct boundaries between them as there are for consonants, and so they are usually described according to how they sound in relation to one another. Unfortunately, any phoneme can still vary...