von Nadja Wostiera | Mittwoch, April 8, 2020 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Of all the features of English pronunciation, connected speech, or the flow between words, is the most subtle and one of the least well described. Elision is a specific part of connected speech, the one which is responsible for all the sounds dropped and most of the...
von Susannah | Mittwoch, Dezember 11, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Something a little different this time! Pick out four to six lines of your favorite rap or hip-hop song. Practice ‚rapping‘ them just like the interpreter does. Think about which words and syllables take the most prominence in pronunciation....
von Susannah | Mittwoch, Dezember 11, 2019 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
Rhythm may sound like it is limited to music or perhaps poetry, but it is in fact one of the features used to describe all world languages. English has a specific kind of rhythm. Which rhythm, and what does it mean? You can find out in the post on rhythm, or first try...