von Thom | Montag, April 20, 2020 | Get informed
Let us be honest. This pandemic sucks. Thousands of people are dying, many people are forced to keep working in high-risk jobs in order to keep society going, and others are stuck working from home, trying to keep their everyday life intact somehow. So it is only...
von Thom | Montag, April 6, 2020 | Get informed
New content for isolated times: a weekly poem to keep our spirits up. Read, listen, and enjoy. After dark vapors have oppress’d our plains For a long dreary season, comes a day Born of the gentle South, and clears awayFrom the sick heavens all unseemly...
von Thom | Freitag, April 5, 2019 | Learn, Writing effectively
Who owns a text? Whenever you read a book, or any text for that matter, someone somewhere decided to share it with the wider world. There may have been certain intentions that the author hoped to convey. However, there is always the question who the text belongs to:...
von Öykü Coskun | Dienstag, November 20, 2018 | Get informed
Animal Farm is one of the classics of political literature. Originally labeled as a fairy story by George Orwell, this allegorical novella is a critical comment on failed revolutions, blind trust, and personality cults. First published after the end of World War II...