von Thom | Dienstag, September 15, 2020 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Another area of pronunciation in which varieties of English can be distinguished is in the phoneme /r/. This is not only true between nations like Great Britain and the U.S., but also within them. Within the United Kingdom the pronunciation of /r/, or rather, how it...
von Nadja Wostiera | Montag, Juni 17, 2019 | Get informed
Trilled r’s, tapped r’s, labial r’s, or retroflex r’s: there is no consonant in the English language that has so many phonetic representations. Let’s explore the many sides of the English „r“! Rhoticity in English As described in a very interesting...
von Nadja Wostiera | Dienstag, Januar 8, 2019 | Get informed
Indian or South Asian English is one variety of the English language that has developed out of trading and colonization processes in the 1600s. Let’s explore some facts about Indian English! Historical influences The English language arrived in South Asia as a...