von Susannah | Freitag, Mai 3, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Systematic, verbal communication is considered what sets humankind apart from other mammals. While the existence of animal language is debatable, the wonders of human language cannot be doubted. Here you will find some of the basics of phonetics in general and...
von Susannah | Freitag, Mai 3, 2019 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
What do you know about phonetics, phonology and (American) English pronunciation? You can, of course, try out this exercise to see what general and basic concepts you already have mastered. Or you can use it to consolidate what you have learned or test your knowledge...
von Susannah | Montag, April 8, 2019 | Get informed
This script is from a talk given on the University’s Diversity Day 2017. Where are you from? What part of Germany? Of Europe? Of the world? Do all Germans speak the same language? What influence does this have on your impression of them? Why? What is your...
von Susannah | Montag, Januar 7, 2019 | Learn, Writing effectively
One of the primary, essential features of academic writing is that it takes place within the discourse, that is, it refers to previous research. Indeed, your references and sources often attract a great deal of attention from those reading your papers, as it is one...
von Susannah | Mittwoch, Dezember 5, 2018 | Learn, Writing effectively
The introduction of your academic paper, regardless of the length, genre, or discipline in which you are writing, is your essential first impression. Recall that when you are reading others‘ work, the introduction is key to deciding how relevant the paper before...