von Susannah | Freitag, August 2, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Try pronouncing p, b, l and m . What do you notice? These are consonants (though here still represented by letters), quite different from vowels in many ways. One way is that in most cases it is difficult to get an idea of what they sound like in isolation, as we...
von Susannah | Donnerstag, Juni 20, 2019 | Learn, Writing effectively
Everyone loves a good story. A story entertains, inspires, and informs. From the beginning of humanity, stories have been a primary form of communication. Nowadays, we receive our stories from BBC, YouTube, UbiSoft or Bollywood as well as Paternoster Row, but it...
von Susannah | Dienstag, Mai 21, 2019 | Learn, Learn pronunciation
Vowels might be considered the most significant parts of language pronunciation, as they are frequently the part that surprises us in that differences in vowel pronunciation make mutual intelligibility more difficult. They are particularly important for the rhythm of...
von Susannah | Dienstag, Mai 21, 2019 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
Sometimes hearing and producing the different front vowels /e/ and /æ/ is quite difficult. Here are some words and sentences for practicing this. Just listen and repeat. Pause, rewind and repeat as many times as necessary. Individual words grouped by prominent...
von Susannah | Dienstag, Mai 21, 2019 | Practice, Practice pronunciation, Practice receptive skills
Sometimes the distinction between the front vowels is difficult to hear. Here are some minimal pairs with /e/ and /æ/ . See if you can recognize which of the two words you are hearing. All tasks are in one recording, but you can pause or rewind as necessary. Many...