von Nadja Wostiera | Montag, Januar 6, 2020 | Practice, Practice pronunciation
Rhoticity in English is one of the most prominent distinctions by which varieties of English can be classified. Standard varieties such as American English (AmE) and British English (BrE) are highly defined by the particular pronunciation of the ‚r‘....
von Nadja Wostiera | Montag, Juni 17, 2019 | Get informed
Trilled r’s, tapped r’s, labial r’s, or retroflex r’s: there is no consonant in the English language that has so many phonetic representations. Let’s explore the many sides of the English „r“! Rhoticity in English As described in a very interesting...
von Nadja Wostiera | Montag, April 29, 2019 | Get informed
Ireland – wide green fields, rough nature, St. Patrick’s day: only a few aspects that make Ireland so attractive for students from around the world who want to expand their English skills. We talked to Stephanie, 29, psychology Master’s student about...
von Nadja Wostiera | Dienstag, Januar 8, 2019 | Get informed
Indian or South Asian English is one variety of the English language that has developed out of trading and colonization processes in the 1600s. Let’s explore some facts about Indian English! Historical influences The English language arrived in South Asia as a...
von Nadja Wostiera | Dienstag, September 18, 2018 | Learn, Learning strategies
Audiobooks can be very helpful if you intend to improve your language skills. With this article we want to present you Lit2Go – a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. The project is lead by the Educational College as part of the...